How to deal with Brexit risks

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In this article, I examine Brexit in the context of risk; specifically when it comes to customers, suppliers, and logistics.

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1. Customer risks
Let’s start by looking at customer related risks. When assessing this, you will need to consider risks posed by your customers’ customers and perhaps your customers’ customers’ customers. You need to look for ...

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A practical costing and pricing workshop for small businesses in Tipperary

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Casey Business Consulting will deliver a costing and pricing workshop on behalf of the Local Enterprise Office in Tipperary Town on 14th November 2017. The venue is the Tipperary Community Centre on Michael Street and it runs from 9-00am to 1-30pm.

The workshop is designed to give participants a practical knowledge of the costing and pricing process for small businesses. During the workshop participants will have the opportunity to use their own data to calculate margins, breakeven positions etc for ...

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Three steps to a successful Brexit for your business

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                     Image by Jonathan Rolande –

As Brexit negotiations proceed tensions are increasing between the EU and the UK. This is only natural with the stakes so high and the world watching. As a business owner in Ireland it’s interesting to watch the negotiations playing out. However there is a more serious side to the Brexit process for businesses here. In this article I will outline the three steps ...

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A Hard Brexit is coming – take advice from the scouts and ‘be prepared’

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As we all know the UK triggered Article 50 at the end of March and this began its two year withdrawal process from the EU. The formal talks on Brexit began today in Brussels. As a result the UK will leave the EU before April 2019. The departure could be delayed but only if this delay is agreed to by the UK and all remaining EU countries. The UK will not want to contemplate a delay in the process at ...

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From plums to paintball: 6 tricks to maximise staff productivity

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A recent survey has revealed that just 25% of employees in the UK feel actively engaged in their job. Despite accounting for a considerable amount of our personal time, British working lives increasingly feel unengaging and undervalued. This state of affairs can have a marked impact on productivity and professional achievement.

So how can managers and businesses up their game and give staff the attention and investment they need to flourish in their roles? After all, having happy staff ...

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