Casey Business Consulting offers a range of services and supports which can be tailored to the needs of you and your business. The main supports available to you are outlined below.
Do you need a business plan?
You will need to prepare a business plan if external funding is required to facilitate an investment. Or are you planning an exit strategy? If so, a business plan will be needed to convey to potential buyers the true value of the business. A well written business plan complete with financial projections will make the difference between securing the necessary funding and being rejected. If the business plan is thorough, robust and well written it will inspire confidence. This will not only help in getting a positive response from the bank, private investor or grant agency, but can also result in lower interest rates being offered or a higher grant being awarded. Working with Casey Business Consulting will deliver a robust business plan to support your particular needs. Benefits to you include the following;- Confirm the feasibility of your planned investment
- Secure funding for your investment
- Identify the correct investments
- Better financial planning
- Lower interest rates on loans
- Higher grant aid
- Realise a better price for your business when you exit
Do you need support developing or updating your business strategy?
The words ‘If you don't know where you're going, any road'll take you there’ from the song “Any Road” by George Harrison sums up the importance of having a strategic plan. Without a clear current relevant business strategy your business will underperform. Even if you have a business strategy it may be outdated and no longer relevant. External and Internal factors are constantly changing and this requires regular updating of your strategic plan. If you need support with developing your strategy Casey Business Consulting can steer you through the process and contribute value insights to help you develop an effective strategy for your business. Benefits to you include the following;- Clear business goals established
- Better focus in the business
- Increased profitability
- Higher margins and market share
- Increased job satisfaction for employees
Is your business under performing?
Businesses can underperform in many different ways. Casey Business Consulting can guide you through a process of analysing your business. This will identify the key issues that are causing it to underperform. Once identified they can work with you in preparing practical action plans and are happy to support through the implementation phase also. Benefits to you include the following;- Better understanding of what drives the performance of your business
- Improved margins
- Better cashflow management
- Increased turnover
- More efficient production
- Identification of investments that will improve competitiveness
- A more coordinated and focused team
Is your business ready to grow?
One way to improve margins is to increase your turnover. The extra revenue contributes to your overheads, and can lessen the impact of those overheads on the existing business. How much time do you currently spend actively targeting new customers? Securing new customers is no different than any other activity. If you don’t plan it and invest time and resources in it, it just won’t happen. Casey Business Consulting can support you with developing a systematic approach to growing your business. The approach used will help you to increase your share of existing customers as well as identifying and securing new customers. Benefits to you include the following;- Stronger relationships and more business from existing customers
- Acquisition of new customers
- Higher margins
Do you find owning and running a business to be a lonely place?
As the owner / manager, no matter what the challenge, the buck normally stops with you. At key moments wouldn’t it be great to have access to an experienced manager to use as a sounding board. Someone that will listen confidentially, challenge your proposed course of action, suggest alternatives and generally steer you through a sound decision making process. Having such a person is just a phone call away. In addition to getting the benefit of Denis’ experience, the simple act of sharing your concerns in confidence relieves pressure and facilitates better decision making. The old saying still hold true - “two heads are better than one”. This is especially true when one of those heads is not directly related to the business. This facilitates calm sound decision making and will result in the right things being done more consistently, which in turn will lead to better results. Casey Business Consulting offers this support. The support is normally provided over the phone, but can also include face to face meetings, depending on the challenge at hand. Signing up for this service provides access to Denis by phone during and outside of office hours as the need arises. To avail of this customers need to sign up for a “One to One Support Package”. There is a monthly fee which is set based on the level of access required but the rates are very affordable for small businesses. There is an option to sign up for just a month or to enter a rolling monthly arrangement. Benefits to you include the following;- Better decision making and improved business performance.
- Less stress and a better work / life balance.
Mentor Support via your Local Enterprise Office
What do you know about the supports available to you from the Local Enterprise Office? Have you ever contacted them or looked up the website to see what supports it can offer you? If you are a small business, which employs less than 10 people, you can qualify for a range of supports. These include training courses, financial assistance and access to experienced business mentors. The mentor programme is available to new and existing businesses. It can provide support across a broad range of issues. Under the programme your business is assigned an experienced business practitioner, who will work with you on a one to one basis, to help you improve and develop your business. A mentor can help you to identify problems in your business, suggest areas of improvement, support you in the decision making process, work with you in the preparation of business plans (which can be used to support grant or loan applications) and guide you through a business development process that will grow your business. Denis is a member of several Local Enterprise Office mentor panels and has already made a significant contribution to many small businesses. The testimonials section of this website provides some examples of the support provided. Benefits to you include the following;- Access to business expertise at heavily subsides rates
- Improved business performance
- Access to grant aid
- Better decision making and improved business performance
- Better understanding of what drives the performance of your business
- Improved margins
- Better cashflow management
- Increased turnover
- More efficient production
- Identification of investments that will improve competitiveness
- Acquisition of new customers
Are you engaged in or planning to engage in trade with Northern Ireland or GB?
InterTradeIreland has created a comprehensive Trade Hub, which contains the latest information for businesses engaged in, or planning to engage in trade between Ireland and Northern Ireland & GB.InterTradeIreland has analysed the questions businesses ask most often and working with industry experts, they have developed a user-friendly knowledge base. The Trade Hub provides information on a variety of topics, including:
- Trade in goods
- Trade in services
- Customs
- Regulation
- Employment